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Home > Pump Sprayer

Pump Sprayers

Sprayer Outlet is your one stop shop for pump sprayers. We carry a wide variety of sprayers that are sure to meet any spraying need.We carry sprayers that well as a deck sprayer, garden sprayer, or chemical sprayer.
Sprayer Parts

Sprayer Parts

Lawn and Garden Sprayers

Lawn and Garden Sprayers

Deck Sprayers

Deck Sprayers

Backpack Sprayers

Backpack Sprayers

Chemical Sprayers

Chemical Sprayers

Commercial Sprayers

Commercial Sprayers

Sprayers by Brand

Sprayers by Brand

Hose End Sprayers

Hose End Sprayers

How do I service my sprayer?

Servicing your sprayer is highly recommended before the beginning of every spraying season. The sprayer is serviced by lubricating the pump several times before use. Drop 8-10 drops of a lightweight, high quality oil around where the handle goes into the pump. You may also take the pump apart and coat the O-ring with a layer of petroleum jelly. Servicing your sprayer each year will ensure hassle free spraying all season long!

If I have leftover chemicals, can I leave them in my sprayer tank after use?

No. You cannot safely store chemicals in the tank. The sprayer tank should be thoroughly flushed after every use with water. Any leftover chemicals should be returned to and stored in the original container.

How do I pressurize my sprayer?

Pressurizing your sprayer is easy. All you need to do is pump the handle up and down several times until it becomes difficult to pump.

Different Types of Sprayers

Pump Sprayers
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Sprayer Parts

Lawn and Garden Sprayers

Deck Sprayers

Backpack Sprayers

Chemical Sprayers

Commercial Sprayers

Spray Bottles
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Pressure Washer Parts
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Pressure Washer Nozzles

Pressure Washer Wand

Pressure Washer Hose

Karcher Pressure Washer Parts

Wagner Paint Sprayer Parts
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Paint Sprayer Tips

Airless Paint Sprayer Hoses

Paint Sprayer Guns

Wagner Paint Sprayer Repair Kits

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Solo Backpack Sprayers

Solo Hand Sprayers

Solo Portable Sprayers

Solo Sprayer Parts

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Chapin Backpack Sprayers

Chapin Hand Sprayers

Chapin Portable Sprayers

Chapin Sprayer Parts

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Gilmour Hand Sprayers

Gilmour Sprayer Parts

Howard Berger
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Howard Berger Portable Sprayers

Howard Berger Hand Sprayers

Landscapers Select
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Landscapers Select Sprayers

Landscapers Select Sprayer Parts

Safety Equipment
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Hose End Sprayers

Disposable Coveralls


Safety Gloves

Safety Goggles

Our Mailing Address:
Sprayer Outlet
1035 Sylvatus Highway
Hillsville, VA 24343